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Get Clear Skin Naturally- Beauty

 Get Clear Skin Naturally- Beauty 😍

Home Remedies for Clear and Bright Skin

 Glowing and beautiful skin gives confidence. All skin types are good if we take care of our skin properly. First of all, you should examine your skin type whether it is oily or dry skin. If you have oily skin then you should avoid any type of oil. Mostly people are unaware of their skin type therefore they make mistakes while using products or remedies for their skin which leads to serious skin problems.

 Here are some easy and simple home remedies for the people struggling with oily and dry skin.

 Remedies for Oily Skin:

Remedy no 1:

  • Wheat flour=2 tablespoon 
  • Turmeric powder =half tablespoon
  • Rose water=2 tablespoon

 Take 2 tablespoon wheat flour in a bowl add half tablespoon of turmeric and 2 tablespoons of rosewater. Mix it well and apply to your face. Leave it for only 5 minutes then massage your face for 5 minutes. Rinse off wheat flour properly and prevent it from drying on your face. This home remedy is being used for centuries for clear and bright skin. Wheat flour makes your skin lighter, softer and supple.

 Remedy no 2:

  • Gram flour=2 tablespoon 
  • Rose water=2 tablespoon 
  • Pure honey=1 tablespoon 

 Take 2 tablespoon of gram-flour add rose water and pure honey for magical results. Gram flour do wonders for your skin. It cleans your skin naturally and gives you a brighter look. If a person has oily skin then gram flour along with honey and rose water removes excessive oil from face and makes skin beautiful and clear from impurities. Honey is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial thus prevent your skin from infections and acne.

 Remedy no 3:

  • Honey=2 tablespoon 
  • Turmeric=1 tablespoon 
  • Mix honey and turmeric and apply to skin with acne. It prevents skin from infections and acne.

Remedy no 4:

  • Rice water 
  • Rose water
  • Mix rice water with rose water. It is a best toner for glowing and youthful skin.
  • To prepare rice water soak 2 tablespoon of rice in 4 tablespoon water over night.

Everyone finds it very difficult to get a clear skin. There are different methods to get clear skin  depending on their skin type usually most of the people are facing problems with acne and dark heads, few have extra dry skin. There are different methods of getting a clear skin.

Don’t Pop Pimples 

A pimple is made up of trapped oil, germs and bacteria. The body’s natural healing process is healing at this time and. By popping the pimple this process is disturbed. And by this act the pimple is exposed to germs and dust and this may result in permanent scar. 

Wash your face twice a day

Dermatologists suggest washing face twice or thrice a day to keep your skin clean from germs. Also after sweating it is recommended to wash your face as soon as possible.


It recommended for all skin types to keep their skin moisturized after every wash. Moisturizing the skin may prevent the skin from outside bacteria and harmful effects. Selecting suitable moisture is a time taking thing because every skin type has a different suitable product and it is easily available in the market.

 Drink Plenty of Water:

Applying face masks and trying different home remedies is not enough for good skin. One needs to drink plenty of water. Drinking plenty of water every day is not only good for your skin but also for your whole body. People who drink much water have good skin and clean eyes.

 Exercise Daily:

Doing exercise daily leads to a healthy skin. During exercise blood flow carries oxygen to body cells and removes toxins from body. Perspiration during workout gives your skin a glow.

 Reduce Stress:

Stress is one of the major reasons for dull skin. Due to stress skin lose its elasticity which leads to formation of wrinkles. A person who is happy and has a smiling face looks younger and beautiful. A frowned face leads to wrinkles and dull face. Avoid stress and anxiety; keep yourself away from things that give you stress and anxiety. Always be happy and grateful.

 Add Fruits to Your Diet:

Fruits are a source of vitamins for skin. Taking fruits in your breakfast makes your skin healthy. Peaches are great for beautiful skin. Papaya can be used for both eating and for applying as face mask for glowing skin. Water-melons have 90 percent of water which makes it great for your skin.

 Add Almonds to Your Diet:

Soak almonds overnight and consume them in morning. Almonds contain Vitamin E which is beneficial for glowing skin. Almonds are also used for weight loss and reduce cholesterol level in body.

I hope i gave you a helpful guidance to improve your skin. Be patient while you are using any remedy don’t expect overnight results because it will only result in disappointment. Take a good diet and exercise daily. Keep yourself away from anxiety and stress. Be positive towards everything and then see the magic.




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