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How to Delete Instagram Account


How to Delete Instagram Account

Yes, there is a time when you think that you need a break from social media, it might me a temporary feeling or a permanent one. At this point people choose to delete their social media and live a natural life. There might be different reasons of Deleting your social media like you want to get less in touch with your phone and by Deleting your social media you can get a healthy life lifestyle. By deleting your a Instagram Account permanently you are taking an important step to get some spare time for your personal life and development. 


Create a Back-up of Your Data

before if you delete your Instagram account permanently it is important that you create a backup for your dinner on Instagram it is not for the purpose that you can use them again as Instagram posts but sometimes some photos are very important and close to your heart there are are many good memories that you should not lose by deleting them instead she should create a backup 1st to create a backup these are the steps you should follow:

  1. Go to Instagram profile.
  2. Open menu from right corner and go to settings 
  3. In security you get download data option, tap it.
  4. Provide your email address and Download.  

It will take 2 days and instagram will send an email in which you will get your photos and the comments that you can save as a memory for your future.


Delete Instagram Account Permanently 

After creating a backup of your Instagram data now this is the time that you can delete your Instagram account when you come to delete Instagram account the users get two options the first option is to permanently delete your Instagram account and the second option is also available which is temporarily delete your Instagram account or deactivate your Instagram account once you permanently delete your Instagram account you can never get it back but if you delete your Instagram account temporarily you can get it back by simply logging in.


Steps to Delete your Account 

TO GO TO the instragram delete account service  'click here'
  1. Login to instagram from a browser.
  2. Go to settings 
  3. Go to personal detail
  4. Go to Account ownership option
  5. Select delete or deactivate your account 
  6. Select your account 
  7. Tap delete account permanently
  8. Enter your Password 
  9. And Delete account.

Delete your Instagram Temporarily 

If you need a temporary break from your Instagram like if you are feeling hurt or you just need a break from toxic social media you can temporarily disable your Instagram.  You have to follow the same steps and on 7th step you just need to choose ‘delete account temporarily’, you can easily get it back my simple go and login your account. While you have deactivated your account, nobody will see your posts, profile picture and even username.

Can I delete someone else’s Account?

No, unfortunately you cannot delete someone’s account even if they’re your children because to delete an account you need user’s login credentials like username and password.


Deleting limits

Once you delete your Instagram account temporary and if you login to activate it then you cannot delete your Instagram account again because you will have to wait for two weeks again deactivate your account you cannot deactivate it immediately these are the policies of Instagram.



After you delete your Instagram account and it is the first step towards escape and a healthier lifestyle because when you are away from social media you are away from the influence of useless videos and posts that contain fake status and brand conscious fake world. This social media is the biggest drag in your success because it waste a lot of time.


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