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How to make YouTube channel

 How to Create a YouTube Channel and Make the Most of the YouTube Billion User Network

Hassan- 19 MAY 2020


See how easy it is to get your YouTube account up and running, and get instant benefits on how to improve your profile to be more accessible.

You will learn

Basics for setting up your account

How to make a YouTube channel

How to create perfect channel art

Top tips for improving your channel.

YouTube, the Google-owned video network, boasts more than a billion users - about one-third of all online people - and every day people watch hundreds of billions of hours on

YouTube and generate billions of views. For mobile phones only, YouTube reaches 18-34 and 18-49 people over any U.S. cable network.

Surprisingly, however, only 9 percent of small businesses in the U.S. they use YouTube actively, and my opinion is that that number could be very accurate worldwide.

So why are businesses not investing in YouTube as part of our social media strategy?

In short, because a video is harder to produce than a blog post or photo.

Or at least that's the view most of us have.

In fact, however, video is much easier and cheaper to create. This means that there is a huge potential for your business on YouTube.

If you've been debating on YouTube or maybe you've tried a little bit but still haven't found your feet, this post is for you. Throughout this post we will go into:

Basics for setting up your account

How to make a YouTube channel

How to create perfect channel art

Top tips for improving your channel.

Ready to get started? Asambe.

How to make a YouTube channel

Creating a YouTube channel using your Google Account

If you have a Google Account, you can view, share and comment on YouTube content. However, Google Accounts do not create YouTube channels automatically. Setting up a new channel is a simple and quick process, however.

1. Go to YouTube and sign in

Go to and click on 'Login' in the top right corner of the page:


Then sign in using the Google account you would like your channel to be associated with:


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