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How to create blogger

 Create A Blog In 20 Minutes

Updated February 2, 2022

How to create a blogger

Looking for a simple guide on how to start a blog?

A step-by-step guide on this page will show you how to build a blog in 20 minutes with basic computer skills.

After completing this guide you will have a great blog ready to share with the rest of the world.

This guide is especially for beginners. I will take you step by step, using a myriad of photos and videos to make it completely clear.

If you get stuck or have questions at any time, just text me and I will do my best to help you.

Ready to get started? Click here to skip the introduction and start building your blog now

How to start a beginner blog

My name is Scott Chow, and I'll show you how to start blogging today. I have been building blogs and websites since 2002. During that time I introduced several of my blogs, and helped hundreds of others do the same.

I know that starting a blog can seem overwhelming and intimidating. This free guide is about beginner blogging, and will teach you how to become a blogger with basic computer skills. So whether you are 8 or 88 years old, you can create your own blog in 20 minutes.

I am not ashamed to admit that when I first learned how to build a blog I made so many mistakes. You can benefit from more than a decade of my experience so you don’t have to repeat these same mistakes when making your blog. I created this free guide for beginners to learn blogging quickly and easily.

So, how do you get started a blog?

Learn how to create a blog in about 20 minutes by following these steps:

How to Start a Blog In 6 Steps

Choose a blog name. Choose a descriptive name for your blog.

Find your blog online. Sign up for your blog and get hosting.

Customize your blog. Choose a free blog design template and customize it.

Write and publish your first post. Share your thoughts with the world. The fun part!

Promote your blog. Get more people to read your blog with proper marketing.

Make money with blogging. Choose between a few monetization options for your blog.

Should you start a blog?

One of the misconceptions about starting a blog is that you need to be a good writer to be successful. Nothing could be further from the truth. People read blog sites to get a personal opinion on things, so most bloggers write informally and chat.

And because of the format, many successful bloggers will write about different topics on the same blog.

Additionally, you do not need to be an expert on any of the topics you write about in order to have a successful blog. For example, visitors to a cooking blog do not want to read a book from a food scientist, they want to hear the experience of someone who has cooked real food, mistakes and everything.

To be successful as a blogger there is only one requirement: love for your topic.

In your heart, blogging is about sharing your knowledge with the world. Writing about your passion makes the process of starting a successful blog much easier. As long as you write about the things you are really interested in, your love will stand out and keep your guests interested.

So why not go for the challenge of blogging? There are a few reasons:

Share your story. The blog allows you to have a voice and be heard. You can share your story with the rest of the world if you choose to. One of the most commonly used blogs is a diary where a blogger writes about what happens every day so that friends, family, and others can be a part of their lives.

Make money at home. Blogging can be a great help if done right. Top bloggers in the world apparently earn less, but even a temporary blogger can expect to make a good profit if things are done right. The best part about it is that blogging is a form of income, as you can spend just a few hours a week writing a piece of content and then continue to benefit from it long after the writing is complete. I go into more detail on how to blog for money later in this guide.

Your reputation or your business. No, you probably won't have the paparazzi next because of your recent post. But a successful blog makes your idea more realistic, and can benefit you from the tone of recognition in your various fields. Many bloggers are known as experts simply because of their blogs, and some even get book deals and movies based on their blogs.

Find the community. Blogging in its heart works together. You write a post and people comment on it. This is a great way to connect with people who like things like yours. Blogging allows you to teach these people based on your own experiences, and gives you the opportunity to learn from your readers as well.

Ready to get started? Click here to go to step # 1 of the guide

What is a blog anyway?

In short, a blog is a type of website that focuses on written content, also known as blog posts. In popular culture we often hear about popular blogs or blog sites, but as you will see in this guide, you can start a successful blog with just about any topic you can think of.

Bloggers often write from a personal perspective that allows them to interact directly with their readers. In addition, many blogs have a "comments" section where visitors can write with a blogger. Interacting with your visitors in the comment section helps to promote communication between the blogger and the reader.

This direct contact with the reader is one of the main benefits of starting a blog. This connection allows you to share and share ideas with other like-minded people. It also allows you to build trust with your readers. The credibility and honesty of your readers also opens the door to monetization of your blog, which I will discuss later in this guide.

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