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Novel Animal Farm - Summary

 Novel Animal Farm - Summary

The old major boar, calls all the animals of Manor farm for a meet up in the Baron and tells them about a dream in which all the animals will live independently and there will be no humans to control them he told the animals that they must work together to get their heaven. And taught them a poem “Beasts of England” In this poem the vision of major it’s described this old major died after three days of this meeting and after his death Chris Young pigs took responsibility to come his dream true. From the very first day the animals started planning to defeat the humans who were the owners of the farm and the plan that they will beat the humans and make them run away from the farm and after that they will live peacefully without a master. Every animal played its role in this rebellion three pigs were the leaders and they started manipulating heroes of animal farm. The three pigs had a group of puppies and they were training them according to their own thinking’s and they were training them to become their own army to defend them when they need one day the animals planned and attacked on the humans in this battle the humans ran away from the farm and a horse died during the fight after this defeat the humans stayed away from the farm and the animals took the weapons and put them as a sign of victory in this way after sometime the little pigs studied through the animals in their only and they forgot the thinking of the old major the pigs ate all the good stuff and left bad stuff for the other animals to eat they made other animals to work hard all day and the senior pigs rested all day and enjoy it one day the pigs ordered the animals to build a windmill so that we can make good stuff from the Windmill and sell it. The senior pig started manipulating the animals so his friend tried to disagree with him as a result the senior pig overthrow him using his dogs. Snowball who was the companion of the senior pig was a good leader comparatively he wanted to educate the animals and teach them to live a better lifestyle but the senior pig was against the education and betterment of the animals he wanted to abandon the animals and make them work the night without even demanding their own rights at this point the conflict raised between two companions and The senior big started to build his force to control the farm in his own way. What is the best of time the lust of power and money increased in the senior pig and he started killing his own animals he started this By reducing the food supply to the animals he purposely gave less food to the animals to make them feel like slaves and he started making friendships with humans of different forms and the pigs started drinking alcohol.

The animals built the Windmill and a horse lost his life in building children due to an accident after the Windmill is working the humans attacked and broke the Windmill down and the senior pig lied to the animals and said that his companion pig came and broke in this way every animal who stood against the senior pig was killed by his dogs. And his companion was a good big head a very bad image in animals thinking. 

The senior big sold many animals to humans to get money in order to buy whiskey and good food also the neighboring farmers Removed their deals of business with the pigs and they played an important role in destroying the Windmill in this way years past and the pigs became seem like human beings started walking by humans started wearing clothes and with the passage of time they made rules in which the pigs or superior and other animals were inferior. The pigs lived a lavish life and the other animals were in the same condition as they were before they worked very hard and did not get enough food and if animals think to rebel the pigs they were killed immediately the animal farm which was billed for the good fortune of animals was again turned into Manor farm where the superiors were the pigs Who lived like humans and treated the animals even worst. This animal farm is also a picture of Russian revolution anything same happened there in the form of rebellion. In this novel the rebellion started with the purpose of getting equal rights and a life full of joy and peace but it resulted in even worse form in which the leaders changed and even worst leaders came to rule with the people which are the animals remained in the same condition as they were before the rebellion and many lives were lost.



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